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You can export a document or book as a reflowable eBook in EPUB format that is compatible with the Adobe Digital Editions reader software, and other eBook reader software. InDesign creates a single. If specified, the exported file may include a cover image. The cover image is created from an image, or created by rasterizing the first page in the specified document or the style source document if a book was selected.
To view the file, you need an EPUB reader. You can also use the Adobe Digital Editions software, which you can download free from the Adobe website. Note: The. To view and edit the contents of an. EPUB file, change the extension from. This is especially useful for editing the CSS file.
Note: InDesign objects such as text frames and objects that contain placed images, are always exported when you choose the Based on Page Layout ordering option. Download a free copy of the Digital Editions reader at www.
The metadata from the document or the style source document if a book was selected is included with the exported file. Specify the publisher information that appears in the eBook metadata.
Every EPUB document requires a unique identifier. You can specify the unique identifier attribute. If you leave this field empty, a unique identifier is automatically created. If this option is selected creates an image file by rasterizing the first page of the eBook to use as the cover.
If this option is selected you can specify an image on your computer to use as the cover. Specify a simple margin in Ems or pixels. Specifying margins in Ems is better for multiscreen compatibility. The same value is applied to all margins: top, bottom, left, and right. If you have used native InDesign auto-bullets, subbullets are also included.
Determines how numbers are converted in the HTML file. If you have used native InDesign auto-numbering, subbullets are also included. Preserve Appearance from Layout. Specify the resolution of the images in pixels per inch ppi. While operating systems have standardized on either 72 ppi or 96 ppi, mobile devices range from ppi iPad , to ppi Sony Reader , to over ppi iPhone 4.
You can specify a ppi value for each object selected. Values include 72, 96, average for all eBook devices today , and Specify if image size must remain fixed or resized relative to the page. Relative to Page Size sets a relative percentage value based on the size of the image relative to the InDesign page width. This option causes the images to rescale proportionally, relative to the width of the reading area. Specify the image alignment, left, center, right, and the top and bottom padding.
Check to insert page breaks with images. Settings Apply to Anchored Objects. Choose Automatic to let InDesign decide which format to use in each instance.
Choosing PNG disables the image compression settings. The GIF format uses a limited color palette, which cannot exceed colors. Choose Adaptive to create a palette using a representative sample of colors in the graphic without any dithering mixing of small spots of colors to simulate additional colors. Choose Web to create a palette of web-safe colors that are a subset of Windows and Mac OS system colors. This choice may cause unexpected results. Select Interlace to load the images progressively by filling in missing lines.
If this option is not selected, an image looks fuzzy and gradually becomes clear as the image reaches full resolution. Determines the trade-off between compression for smaller file sizes and image quality for each JPEG image created.
Low produces the smallest file and lowest image quality. Determines how quickly JPEG graphics display when the file containing the image is opened on the web. Choose Progressive to make the JPEG images display gradually and in increasing detail as they are downloaded.
Files created with this option are slightly larger and require more RAM for viewing. Choose Baseline to make each JPEG file displays only after it has been downloaded; a placeholder appears in its place until the file displays.
Ignore Object Conversion Settings. Ignores Object Export Options applied on individual images. See Apply Object export options. DTBook is a specialized format that is intended for sight impaired end readers. Select this option if you want to generate a table of contents based on the selected TOC style.
Break Document at Paragraph Style. You can split the eBook at the specified paragraph style. Place Footnote After Paragraph. Check to place footnotes after the paragraph. If deselected, footnotes are converted to endnotes. Cascading Style Sheets CSS are a collection of formatting rules that control the appearance of content in a web page. When you use CSS to format a page, you separate content from presentation.
Includes all fonts that are embeddable, in the eBook. Fonts include embedding bits that determine if the font is enbeddable. Create and publish ebooks , brochures , flyers , postcards , posters , interactive page layouts , and more with Adobe InDesign.
Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. Select an article: Select an article:. Do one of the following:.
Specify a filename and location. EPUB resources. Use the following links to learn about EPUB format. For more information on the EPUB format, see www. EPUB General export options. Include Document Metadata. Add Publisher Entry. Unique Identifier. EPUB Cover. Specifies the cover image for the eBook. Choose one of the following:. No Cover Image. If this option is selected no cover image is added to the eBook. Rasterize First Page.
Use Existing Image File. Book Margin. Map To Ordered List. Map To Static Ordered List. Convert To Text. Starts the Adobe Digital Editions Reader, if present.
EPUB Images options. Check to inherit the image object attributes from the layout. Resolution ppi. Image Size. Image Alignment and Spacing. Insert Page Break. Check to apply these settings to all anchored objects. Image Conversion. GIF Options Palette. EPUB Contents options.
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You can choose to export a document to the reflowable EPUB format. The reflowable format is better suited if the document targeted at eInk device users. Also, the reflowable format is preferred if you want to provide options to change the font and size of text in the reader.
You can choose to export your documents to the fixed layout format. The fixed layout format allows you to include audio, video, and Edge content in your documents.
You can also export interactive documents that include controls such as navigation buttons, page transitions, animations, and hyperlinks to the fixed layout format. The fixed layout format is better suited for documents that include a large number of graphics, audio and video content.
This format is better suited for children’s book, cookbooks, textbooks, and comic books. The following text options are supported when creating documents for export to the fixed layout format:.
Also note the following limitations when including Japanese text in your documents for export to EPUB:. The following hyperlink options are supported when creating documents for export to the fixed layout format:.
NAV landmarks. NAV landmarks are generated for both fixed Layout and reflowable formats based on the values for epub:type specified in the Object Export Options dialog. InDesign automatically detects the cover and the print Table Of Contents option. To determine the text type, InDesign uses the epub:type values specified in the Object Export Options dialog. NAV page-list. Fixed Layout format. InDesign generates a page-list by mapping the page number strings to the XHTML files that are generated from that page.
Each document CSS defines the styles that are unique to the document. The process also creates a master CSS that includes the common styles used across the documents in the book. For details, see Fixed Layout export options or Reflowable export options. InDesign creates a single.
To view the file, you need an EPUB reader. You can also use the Adobe Digital Editions reader, that you can download free from the Adobe website. To view and edit the contents of an EPUB file, change the extension from.
This is useful for editing a CSS file. The exported. You can select an image to be used as the cover. Alternatively, you can allow InDesign to rasterize the first page in the exported document or the style source document or the exported book. This is not supported on devices that do not support the EPUB 3. Rasterize First Page. Select this option to allow InDesign to create an image by rasterizing the first page of the eBook to use as the cover.
Choose image. Navigation TOC. Generate a table of contents based on the selected TOC style. InDesign supports text anchors and pages either local or external from Book. Based on Document Setup. Convert Spread To Landscape Page. Enable Synthetic Spreads. Disable Spreads. Disable the image compression settings. Use PNG for lossless images or for images that include transparency. Resolution PPI.
Choose the resolution of the images in pixels per inch ppi. While operating systems have standardized on either 72 ppi or 96 ppi, mobile devices range from ppi iPad , to ppi Sony Reader , to over ppi iPhone 4. You can choose a ppi value for each object selected. Values include 72, 96, average for all eBook devices today , and GIF Options Palette.
The GIF format uses a limited color palette, which cannot exceed colors. Adaptive no dither. Create a palette using a representative sample of colors in the graphic without any dithering mixing of small spots of colors to simulate additional colors. System Win or System Mac. This option can cause unexpected results. Load the images progressively by filling in missing lines. If this option is not selected, an image looks fuzzy and gradually becomes clear as the image reaches full resolution.
Specify how quickly JPEG graphics display when the file containing the image is opened in a browser. Make the JPEG images display gradually and in increasing detail as they are downloaded. Files created with this option are slightly larger and require more RAM for viewing. A placeholder is displayed until the image is downloaded.
Make each JPEG file display only after it has been downloaded. Select the required image quality for each JPEG image created in the output. Choose Low to produce the smallest file and lowest image quality. The metadata from the document or the style source document if a book was selected is included with the exported file.
A unique identifier is automatically created and displayed. Specify the publisher information that appears in the eBook metadata. For example, you can specify a URL for the publisher. Add Style Sheet. InDesign does not check whether the CSS exists or is valid. You can use Dreamweaver to confirm your external CSS setup. EPUB 2. This format is supported on a wide variety of devices. EPUB 3. This format also supports audio, video, javascript, Japanese vertical text.
This does not work on readers and devices that do not support EPUB 3. Based on Page Layout. If Based On Page Layout is selected, InDesign determines the reading order of page objects by scanning left to right and top to bottom.
In some instances, especially in complex, multicolumn documents, the design elements sometimes does not appear in the desired reading order. Use Dreamweaver to rearrange and format the contents. In some instances, especially in complex, multicolumn documents, the exported design elements do not appear in the desired reading order. Same as XML Structure. The order of the tags in Structure View determines the reading order.
See Tag page items. Same as Articles panel. The order of elements in the Articles panel determines the reading order. Only the checked articles are exported. See Include articles for export. If you add a footnote using the document footnote option and specify a rule, for example, weight is 10 points, then this horizontal rule is supported in reflowable EPUB on export. If you have used native InDesign auto-bullets, subbullets are also included.
Determines how numbers are converted in the HTML file. If you have used native InDesign auto-numbering, subbullets are also included.
Map To Ordered Lists. Convert to Text. Preserve Appearance from Layout. Specify the image alignment – left, center, and right. You can also specify the top and bottom padding. Insert page breaks with images. Choose Automatic to let InDesign decide which format to use in each instance. Choosing PNG disables the image compression settings; use PNG for lossless images or for images that include transparency.
Ignore Object Export Settings.
EPUB with Adobe InDesign CC Training Course Toronto, Electronic Publishing.
Download Adobe InDesign CC. Professional-level publishing software including video and audio. Virus Free. Adobe InDesign even has some new things like they fixed the EPUB layout. In addition, the updates are more seamless than ever before, and you have . Jul 05, · Adobe InDesign CC Free Download Latest Version for Windows. It is full offline installer standalone setup of Adobe InDesign CC for 32/ Jun 04, · Open a book and from the Book panel menu, choose Export Book to EPUB. Specify a filename and location. From the Save as Type list choose EPUB, and then click Save. In the EPUB Export Options dialog box, specify the desired options in the General, Image, and Contents areas. InDesign creates a file containing the XHTML-based content.