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Rogue Amoeba Software, Inc. The Audio Hijack programs allow for users to capture and record audio from any program running under macOS. Nicecast combines Audio Hijack’s ability to capture audio with the open source Icecast streaming media system to enable users to broadcast audio from any program over the internet. Airfoil allows for the transmission of any audio through the remote speaker system of Apple’s AirPort Express , which currently only supports audio from iTunes.
Fission is an audio file editor designed to be simple and user-friendly. It has basic operations like fading and splitting, and can edit MP3 files without losing quality to recompression.
They were later joined by Quentin Carnicelli, author of his own MP3 player. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Type Inc. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources.
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Audio Hijack Pro , Nicecast , and Airfoil – TidBITS.
Adversaries may purchase domains that can be used during targeting. Domain names are tree human readable names used frfe represent one or more IP addresses. They can be purchased or, in some cases, acquired for free.
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Leviathan has established domains that impersonate legitimate entities to use for targeting efforts. Magic Hound has registered fraudulent domains such as “mail-newyorker. Mustang Panda have acquired C2 domains prior to по этой ссылке. Sandworm Team has registered domain names and created URLs that are often designed to mimic or spoof legitimate websites, such as hijaco login pages, online file sharing and storage websites, and password reset pages.
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Other facets of this technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on behaviors performed outside of the scope of enterprise defenses and controls. Monitor for queried domain name system DNS registry data that may purchase domains that can be used during targeting.
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Rogue Amoeba – Wikipedia.AppleScript to start recording simultaneously two sessions in Audio Hijack Pro · GitHub
Sessions holds the sound workflow layouts discussed above. Recordings are where you find the output of Recording items. And Schedules is where you set timed events.
Any URL that starts playing audio when opened in a Web browser can be scheduled. They require opening a window and sometimes clicking a play button that generates a unique URL or requires a JavaScript-based click. In iTunes 12, click the three dots in the upper left and choose Internet Radio. Select the desired station, and then press Command-I. Control-click the Location field and choose Copy Path.
For public-radio programs, consult PublicRadioFan , which has an extensive listing of feeds and schedules. After determining that the stream will play automatically in a Web browser, create the full capture sequence in a session, starting with a template, as I describe next.
You can watch a screencast of this sequence, too. Note that you can capture only one stream per browser, but if you have multiple browsers, you could conceivably capture simultaneous audio programs. If you want to change to a different audio recording format than the default Kbps MP3 , click the Recorder output, and choose a format from the Recording Format menu, which includes a number of presets that can be customized. You can also set the name of the recording, set tags, and choose a destination other than the default.
This prevents writing a file to disk when testing the workflow. Now you should name the session. Switch to the Sessions tab, find the session you just created by its default name, click the name, and after a moment it highlights.
Name it something descriptive. Click the Schedule tab and find your session. You can also click Schedule within the Session window, and it opens Schedule with that item selected. Remember to figure out the time zone of the recording for live broadcasts outside your area.
Now you have a timer set. Each schedule can have multiple timers. Just click Add Timer to set additional one-time or repeating scheduled recordings. Record a Multi-Input Podcast — My most frequent use of Audio Hijack is recording podcasts in which there are local and remote people involved.
I opt for the belt, suspenders, and duct-tape method so that I have fallback positions in case a recording fails. I typically record multi-enders, in which every party records her or his audio locally, which I mix together later. Jason Snell wrote a thorough rundown of his methods , including multi-enders, at Six Colors. But even when everyone is recording locally, I like to have two backups. With the new version of Audio Hijack, I can now do both. Let me break down what the template does:.
The VU Meters give you a visual representation as sound is recording. If you click the meters icon, a larger and better labeled sound meter appears. You can also drag in a Menu Bar Meters item from the library at the bottom right, and see the live levels in your menu bar. Audio Hijack now captures the audio in two ways. At the top, a Recorder writes the left and right channels to a stereo MP3. This prevents an echo where you would hear your own audio in the output.
If my recording goes perfectly, I may be able to use the prefixed AAC file. If not, I can take my uncompressed audio sources and fiddle with them. Jack Me In, Bob — Audio Hijack 3 has myriad other changes, and a host of features that would require another article of this length to cover.
Here are just a few additional highlights. A new Overdrive feature is available via the Volume built-in effect. Drag that into a workflow, and you can boost the input volumes by two-, three-, or fourfold. Recordings are now organized by session, rather than in a long list.
This works around a known issue with SonarWorks AU. While the app will perform better overall, we expect that these changes will generally not be noticeable to users, but the app will perform better over all! Several additional VoiceOver improvements have been made to the Source menu found in Application Blocks.
Shift-Space and Option-Space are now equivalent to option-clicking the menu, to reveal background sources, and the title of the Source menu is now properly read when tabbing to it. Thanks to all our VoiceOver users for their feedback! Audio Hijack now better handles missing audio devices, useful when devices are unplugged, and when Sessions are imported from another machine.
In short, this leads things to behave logically and as expected. When clicked, pinned popovers no longer bring forward their session if Audio Hijack is in the foreground , nor other Audio Hijack windows if Audio Hijack is in the background.
Its popover now offers controls for 3, 10, and 30 second jumps. Better still, you can now access Time Shift from within any application, with global keyboard shortcuts. Share Sessions with friends via the Session menu. Export your own Sessions to share, or import Sessions from others! Major Enhancement: The new Sync Block lets you add a precise delay to the audio, of up to ms 1 second , per Block.
The “Session Name” and “File Counter” variables are once again supported, for use in file names and metadata.
Popover positions, as well as torn-off and pinned states, are now remembered and restored between launches. The Block library has been updated with a new Advanced section, and the Meters section has been moved up.
Error messages for recording issues have been improved. We don’t expect that you’ll ever see those anyway, though. Improvements to the scheduler to handle rare edge cases will provide even more reliable timed recording. When editing a tag in the Recordings tab, the tag will now be saved correctly even if action is taken while the tag is still in focus.
Repeating Timer descriptions now display days of week in the same order as the actual day of week buttons. It was pretty goofy that this wasn’t always the case. Enhancement: Instant On 8. Additional fixes for high-sample rate devices mean unwanted noise will be eliminated for all types of audio capture. Tweak: Keyboard shortcuts in Session window now work when full keyboard access or VoiceOver is used to navigate to the LCD or lower toolbar buttons.
Remove silence, start a new recording based on it, or end your recording entirely. It will also attempt to automatically correct any Sessions which used Volume Overdrive to work around the auto-ducking. Major Enhancement: Audio Hijack is now smarter in dealing with missing and re-appearing audio devices. In addition, when a device is not plugged in, Audio Hijack will alert you so you can adjust your settings. Previously, Audio Hijack could simply fail to capture audio, and that was far from ideal.
We recommend our own editor Fission , of course, but any editor may be chosen. Option-click to reset this preference. Keyboard control has been expanded for quick access to important recording controls.
Turn off all Recordings in a Session with Commmand-K. Pause all Recordings with Command-B. Split all Recordings with Command-T. Several minor cosmetic improvements have been made, including fixes for icons in the App Source popup and flickering in the Recording tab.
Certain rare and unsupported combinations of AAC settings which previously caused an error are now correctly limited in the UI. As usual, we recommend getting the latest version right away! The Recorder block now has a “Stopped” state, shown when a File Limit is reached or the Block is turned off.
Critical Bug Fix: This update fixes a thankfully rare issue, where timers could break and begin to behave inconsistently. Critical Bug Fix: A regression introduced in version 3. All timers should now function as expected.
Major Enhancement: Overall latency in Audio Hijack has been massively reduced, and improvements to prevent latency from growing have been made as well. If you had issues with latency previously, please test this new version. Critical Bug Fix: Due to faulty logic, on days when clocks changed for Daylight Saving Time, timers previously suffered from off-by-one-hour issues. This has now been corrected, so timers will work correctly on all days of the year.
Files are named correctly after splits, and the finalization of longer files is better handled. The Recordings and Schedule tabs now feature “Delete Recording s ” and “Delete Timer s ” buttons respectively, to make it much more obvious how to delete these items.
An issue where a popover could come down with an uncontrollable case of the jiggles has been corrected.
It may have looked funny, but it was certainly not correct! Various other minor interface improvements, including preventing unnecessary scrolling in the Library, updating highlight colors, tweaking the schedule layout slightly, adding a “No Presets” view when the last preset is deleted, and improving editing of an active timer. Critical Bug Fix: We’ve fixed an issue where App Nap could affect recordings, particularly unattended recordings, resulting in incomplete or incorrect audio.
If you experienced any issues with incomplete recordings, this update should cure things. Enhancement: Recorder settings can now be tweaked when a Recorder block is off, regardless of the state of the Session running or not.
The Recordings tab will now update titles to reflect file name or title tag changes, as well as other tag changes. If Instant On is not installed, dragging a System Audio block into a running Session will now not pop a whole mess of errors. Nice, huh? Session windows now properly remember to re-open on launch, and the Home window now opens behind other Session windows on launch, not in front of them.
The text of the Ducking block has been updated in an attempt at greater clarity. Its functionality is unchanged. It is no longer possible to delete in-progress recordings. That was weird, so we no longer allow it. Previously, there was a complex and confusing issue where splitting AAC or ALAC files could eventually result in a file winding up mis-named and a directory higher than it should have been. A preliminary fix to avoid the issue is now in place. Critical Bug Fix: An issue where audio could get crackly and eventually stop playing through properly has been fixed.
Critical Bug Fix: A rare but serious bug where Audio Hijack could pinwheel and die at the end of a recording has been corrected. Bug Fix: We crushed an irritating bug where text fields in the Recordings tab would lose focus with each keystroke. Bug Fix: Importing of old Sessions is now more robust, and correctly imports all timers and tags. Bug Fix: Improvements to latency have been made, particularly to prevent latency growth.
Further improvements to latency issues are expected in future versions. Recorders which hit a File Limit will now correctly resume after either the Block or the Session is toggled off and back on. A disabled timer could stop a recording currently being made by another timer.
Variables in Recorder Block tags and file names are now properly expanded, to fix both omitted fields and issues with expansion. When a Recorder Block has variables in multiple fields which refer to one another, this is now handled sensibly. As well, variables in Recorder Block tags can no longer incorrectly refer back to themselves.
A rare issue where Blocks could leave, well, droppings, has been corrected. Honestly, it looked like the Block had defecated. It was hilarious, but wrong. Accessibility improvement: The first block pasted into the Audio Grid is now properly selected and described by VoiceOver. Accessibility improvement: The disclosure buttons for advanced sections in popovers and library sub-sections are now skipped by VoiceOver. These sections automatically expand on VoiceOver-interact.
The buttons were poorly described, and of no value to VoiceOver users. Accessibility improvement: Schedule times were incorrectly read by VoiceOver, which could be very, very confusing! They’ll now be read correctly. Accessibility improvement: The “Hide Library” button which hides the library from VoiceOver navigation, as well as visually is now correctly labeled for VoiceOver.
Accessibility improvement: Animations of blocks adding, deleting, or moving Blocks are now disabled when VoiceOver is in use, to avoiding confusing VoiceOver. Animations resume when Audio Hijack is restarted. Holy Wow! Audio Hijack 3 is a completely redesigned upgrade to all previous Audio Hijack apps. If you’ve ever purchased a product called “Audio Hijack”, you can upgrade to Audio Hijack 3 with a great discount. Session Templates – For a quick way to begin common tasks, look no further than Session Templates.
Common tasks in Audio Hijack are now faster than ever. Just add multiple Recorder Blocks to get multiple files! Bulletproof Audio Recording – Every format in Audio Hijack is now bulletproof, so even if your computer crashes, you’ll never lose a recording again. Denoise, Declick, Dehum – Clean up dirty audio with these custom audio effects, powered by audio technology licensed from industry leader iZotope. Simplified Audio Effects – Harness the power of audio effects without needing a degree in audio engineering.
Audio Block Presets – Saving presets for an Equalizer is obvious, but how about other settings? If you haven’t looked at Audio Hijack for a while, you’ll be thrilled to see that installation and updates to Instant On no longer require a restart.
Streamlined Recording Options – Audio Hijack offers a half-dozen sensible defaults for recording. Of course, if you’re looking for powerful recording options, they’re still available too. Full-Screen Mode – Whether configuring a tricky Session or focusing on a recording, going full-screen helps you focus. The Ducking Effect – With this effect, one signal can automatically be ducked under another, based on input levels.
The Time Shift Effect – Still in its infancy, this effect enables you to pause and delay audio in your chain.
Pause audio entirely, jump backwards or forwards 10 seconds, or jump back to Live. The New Volume Effect – Overdrive audio to maximize the output from small speakers like those found on laptops. This can be especially helpful for visually impaired users. Output Device Blocks include a built-in monitor control for output volumes. Adjust this to lower the volume locally, without affecting your recording.
Quick access to your recording location is now available right in the Recorder block, by clicking the magnifying glass. Just select FaceTime and Record! Instant On 8. Note that scripts which specify Timer Actions may require updating. An extremely rare issue where audio from iTunes could be lost when toggling videos between full-screen and windowed mode has been fixed. Latency be gone! We’ve made improvements to limit latency of processed audio during long audio device capture sessions, and also to prevent static and skips.
The License window has been updated, to handle upgrades. It will now show a “Discounted Upgrade” screen to anyone with an older license key. An emergency update, necessitated by immediate changes Apple has made to their Gatekeeper system, restores compatibility on Mac OS X The ability to capture Text to Speech audio has been restored, after being briefly broken by recent changes. The Instant On component has been updated to version 8, with support for Yosemite.
This update provides several improvements and bug fixes. The Instant On component has been updated to version 7. We’ve improved the selection of hidden apps, when holding down the option key while clicking the Source selector. Capturing audio from applications which are pulling from audio devices should now have much lower latency. We disabled erroneous editing in the mailing list window. Sorry, sorry, got a bit carried away there. The audio capture engine has been completely overhauled.
Audio capture from some sources may behave differently than it did previously. Please adjusted the revised “Advanced” settings as needed, and contact us with feedback. This update provides improvements to System Audio capture and audio capture from Safari.
The app now has a hidden “Check for News” option, accessible by pressing option while in the “Audio Hijack Pro” menu. The preference for installing updates automatically is now on by default. The user is shown this the first time, however, and has a chance to turn it off. The Instant On component has been updated to version 6. We’ve fixed a crash which could occur when the source application was quit while audio was being captured from it. The “Add To iTunes as Bookmarkable” script would sometimes fail.
Now, it should always work. Or at the very least, work more often. That bug was reported to Apple and is fixed in iTunes Nevertheless, we’ve worked around it as well. Audio capture has been made more robust, thanks to fascinating changes like “don’t keep trying to hijack a process if it has been removed or already hijacked” and “fix hang where dispatch queue exceeds 64 thread limit from hijacking sandboxed subprocesses”.
Nearly impenetrable! But all you need to know is that audio capture is more reliable than ever. A rare issue with Recording hotkeys has been corrected, making it possible to use Option in shortcuts. A bug where the ‘Quit Audio Hijack Pro’ option could cause future timers to fail to schedule has been fixed. Multiple problems with AppleScript support have been taken care of: Recording now stops when Hijacking stops in scripts, and the Joint Stereo setting for recording now works.
A bug where 4FX plugin instances would not correctly show in the Effects area has been corrected. Software updates have been improved, with automatic downloads and install on quit, based on a newer version of Sparkle.
The update comes in addition to Instant On 6. To avoid triggering an alarming and overzealous warning on Mac OS X The Instant On component has been updated to version 6, with improvements to System Audio capture and more.
This update also includes preliminary support for Mac OS X For maximum compatibility, the Instant On component is now required for capturing audio from apps made by Fluid. Instant On has been updated to version 5. This update also fixes a potential conflict with Qt-based applications, including Sibelius. A regression which affected audio capture from older versions of Skype specifically, Skype 2. A bug where Audio Hijack Pro could inadvertently create hundreds of files on long recordings has been corrected.
Specifically, recordings are automatically split if they reach 2 GB in size or 24 hours in length. This update also fixes a very rare startup issue. This is accomplished with Instant On 4. AppleScripts which are triggered when a recording finishes now run on their own thread instead of in their own process. Script users should test their scripts to ensure they still function as expected. A bug where the VoiceOver effect would produce silence on Lion when the buffer was set to “Low” has been corrected.
Additional preliminary bug fixes for Mac OS X Full Lion support is still forthcoming. AppleScripts are now run on background threads. Users with custom AppleScripts should test them to ensure they still function as expected. Audio Hijack Pro can now capture audio from Google Chrome and Firefox 4 with no additional setup needed. Some preliminary bug fixes for Mac OS X An issue where the Instant On component could fail to install properly has been fixed.
If you receive a notice of an update to Instant On, be sure to install it. The updated Instant On component works better than ever to capture audio from running applications, as well as all System Audio. A bug affecting recording from many headsets has been fixed.
This will result in improved recording from Logitech headsets and Blue Snowball microphones. An issue affecting hijacking from both Skype 2.
Audio Hijack Pro is now once again full compatible with all versions of Skype. Audio Hijack Pro 2. The Instant Hijack component has been updated to 2. The Instant Hijack component, used to capture audio from already-running applications, has been updated to 2. A bizarre bug causing licenses keys containing the sequence “” to be rejected has been fixed.
Audio Hijack Pro now uses Instant Hijack 2. Performance: A bug where a large amount of timers would cause AHP to launch slowly has been fixed. Improved and polished user interface, including a global status LCD and updated Recording Bin with file inspector.
Hijacking: Instant Hijack updated to 2. Hijacking: Fixed long-standing bug where hijacker would cause audio skips when under heavy CPU load. Includes Instant Hijack 2.
Fixed bug where ADB keyboards could cause an characterAtIndex: exception to be thrown when pressing the Power key really. Audio Devices: Fixed bug where a missing audio device would sometimes revert to the Default system device. Schedule Helper v 1. Possible AIFF crasher fix. Interface: Variables popup in the Recording pane now shows up in the text fields that support variables. See ‘About Instant Hijack’ in the Application menu. Registration: Using new, slightly more secure 3 billion digit long just 45, really registration codes.
Will use Audio Hijack Server. Otherwise will use ‘relaunch required’ hijacking method. Advanced Hijacking Options: Useful for certain applications that output multiple streams of audio, or to multiple devices.
Option-Click ‘Hijack’ to access. Hijacking iChat now works without any tinkering, although you only receive the other side of the conversation. And no, I’ve never heard of it either, why do you think I’m listing it last. E-mail to localize for your language! License key not working? If this fails, take a screenshot of the License window and send it to us.
Lost license key? If you’ve previously purchased, but are unable to find your key, the License Recovery Tool can automatically resend it. To capture a screenshot on MacOS, read these instructions from Apple. To capture a screenshot on Windows, read these instructions from Microsoft. If you need personal assistance, or you just want to provide feedback, you can reach our support team via email. All rights reserved. Audio Hijack 4. Audio devices presets should now import properly from older versions of Audio Hijack 3.
Sessions created by pressing the Enter key in the Template Chooser now save as expected. An issue where the Recording Inspector could fail to show the genre selector has been corrected.
The Recording Inspector now better shows in-progress recordings. The edit button for renaming blocks now properly moves its position related to the title. A graphical glitch which could occur when dragging plugin windows has been fixed. Assorted improvements have been made to make timers function more reliably.
Software Update checks now occur only after the Welcome Window has been closed. Deleting a recording that’s currently playing now correctly stops playback. No option to run an AppleScript after recording. I’m too much of a control freak to use it, but it will inconvenience some of our contributors. However, my recording needs are quite basic.
If I recording a podcast with Skype, the upgrade would be a no-brainer. And it’s great to see Intermission’s functionality integrated into AH3. I just bought the update only to find out that it won’t work on my current system.
Good point. We generally assume that entirely new versions of software won’t work on more than one version back, but it’s best to state that.
Please do get in touch with Rogue Amoeba for a refund, however. They have excellent customer service in my experience. Sorry Alexandra. I’ve added that to the article. Rogue Amoeba should be happy to refund your money, but if you have any problems, please let us know.
Thanks Josh and Glenn. The truth is, I have been thinking about upgrading my iMac to Yosemite, so perhaps this is just the gentle little shove I needed to do just that ;-. The old version does exactly what I want how I want. No reason to upgrade until some new Mac OS breaks version 2. Glenn, can you elaborate a little on how you’re using Soundflower in the multi-source podcast setup that you describe? You say that you’re “setting a sound-effects program to route itself through Soundflower”, but what is that sound-effects program and why are you routing it through Soundflower instead of simply capturing it directly in AH using another Application block?
If, for example, I wanted to play music in the podcast, I could just stick iTunes or djay Pro or something like that here though admittedly doing it that way prevents the Skype callers from hearing it, so I might want to devise some other plumbing here.
It’s exactly that scenario, though I didn’t go into it. You might want to send the input into Skype for participants from SoundCloud after mixing in sound effects but also use the same Soundflower input to mix it separately through Audio Hijack.
Relatedly: I’ve used Soundflower in the past but it’s not always reliable, especially when OS X versions change, and it’s also completely unsupported even though Rogue Amoeba appears to “own” it now. Though I’ve not used it before, I’m considering using StaticZ’s Sound Siphon in this role, to create custom devices that can then be mixed as desired in an AH session.
Have you used Sound Siphon, and do you know whether it could take the place of Soundflower in your setup? Ideally I’d prefer to just do all audio routing and mixing directly in AH without the complication of an additional router like Sound Siphon, but I’m not sure that’s possible. Then there’s Jack OS X, but I haven’t really looked closely at that in years, though it still seems to be in active development. I have not used Sound Siphon. Soundflower’s unreliability I think is between updates, and the Yosemite version installs without a reboot, so I love that.
Can you point me to an up-to-date version of Soundflower for Yosemite? The packages I’ve found are older, and also still require a reboot upon installation. Install inside Audio Hijack 3 even if you don’t use the new version, you can use it to install Soundflower. I’ve been using AH 3. Its great EXCEPT when inserting any effects at all, I begin to get lots of pops, clicks, distortions and sometimes downright crashes of the app. I’ve been troubleshooting with RAmoeba’s tech support for the last 3 days and have tried about 50 different trouble shooting methods involving AH, Mac OS, my DAW and the problems persist whenever I try to use any plugin built-in or 3rd party.
For anyone who still records old vinyl, it appears that there is no way in this new version to split files on detecting silence. That will keep me from dumping the old version for the time being. I hope it is in the works for a future update. I’m using Audio Hajack 3 to record simple FaceTime calls with the pre-set voice call session.
All is well during recording, but when I play it back, I hear an echo in the caller’s side. Why is that and what can I do about it? This happens whether or not caller is wearing headphones.
I’ve had this, and it’s not Audio Hijack.