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Tired of Feeding with Buckets and Bags? They offer great features and the convenience of feeding from your truck. No longer will you have to make several trips to feed your herd or worry about being harmed by hungry cows. Simply install a Diamond S Cube Feeder to the bed of your truck and let it do the work for you. They offer great features and the convenience of feeding from your truck. No longer will you have to make several trips to feed your herd or worry about being harmed by hungry cows.
Simply install a Diamond S Cube Feeder to the bed of your truck and let it do the work for you. Call us today for pricing and availability. Diamond through the center for strength and visibility Heavy duty construction for long lasting use Full opening lid for easy and complete loading Adjustable auger cover Hinged cover for convenient storage area, accessible from back Heavy duty, continuous volt electric motors built especially for this application Hydraulic motors also available Adaptable for hydraulic beds Slender design is ideal for bale beds Chain driven 8-inch auger Scales and counters available.
One feeder size rarely fits all. Our staff recognizes that your needs are unique, which is why our Diamond S Cube Feeders come in a variety of sizes.
Each brings the best of durability and versatility.
Salmo diamond feeder 90 3.30 free. Square Foot Gardening
Free to Read Kyphosus sydneyanus has been categorised as a crepuscular feeder ; German et al., ; Secor & Diamond, ). DIAMOND Series The DIAMOND series represents the BULLET, LEEDER, FORCE, FEEDER and AGRESSOR models. This reel range is intended mostly for. DIAMOND XRC Item No. Ball bearings. Roller bearings. Spool capacity (m/mm). Weight (g). Gear ratio. FD FD. 5 5. 1 1. / 0.
Salmo Summer by Salmo Group – Issuu.
The blank is made of high modulus IM7 graphite. The feeder rod is equipped with Guides with SIC inserts, a neoprene handle with a classic reel seat with a lower fastening nut. A neoprene handle with a rubber buffer on the base end.
A complete set in the case includes three tips with different rigidity. Reliable, well-casting, threepiece medium-fast action type fishing rods are equipped with two detachable sensitive tips of different rigidity. A reliable, three-piece medium action type fishing rod with two detachable tips that indicate different rigidity.
The blank made of lightweight glass fibre has an IN STEEK connection, is equipped with guides with ceramic inserts, a convenient neoprene handle and a reliable screw-type reel seat.
It is recommended for a wide range of anglers. This medium-fast action picker rod is made of lightweight glass fibre. Lightweight, well-balanced, well-casting fishing rods allow active angling with a quick changing of angling places, from any bank or from a boat. They are equipped with three detachable tips, which indicate different rigidity. All match fishing rods are made in accordance with special requirements for the tackle of this type.
They meet all the necessary conditions: are executed on a lightweight blank from 3. Modern design and angling fashion have certainly been taken into account by designers and manufacturers when creating this series. The blank is made of IM7 graphite with the reinforced laying of carbon fibre, which ensures rigidity, maximum casting ability and precision of casting. It is equipped with high original Guides with SIC inserts and a combined handle with a buffer on the base end.
The handle has a graphite reel seat installed. It is completed with a rigid tube. Classic three-piece rod designed for match angling. Combined corkand-neoprene handle has screw-type reel seat with lower fastening nut and rubber buffer at the end.
The combined cork and neoprene handle has a screw-type reel seat with a lower fastening nut and a rubber buffer on the base end. A series of inexpensive, medium action type match fishing rods. The composite, which mainly consists of IM6 graphite, has allowed a sufficiently lightweight and durable blank to be manufactured. It ensures good balance, good casting ability and precision when casting. A large number of high guides with SIC inserts allows favourable working with tackle up to 25 g — in rainy weather, too.
Fly Fishing Rods The popularity of fly fishing is quickly growing among anglers. SALMO fly fishing rods for angling on artificial flies are represented. Thanks to the blank action type and accessories, these fishing rods are a generally excellent and inexpensive fishing tool. These medium-fast action type fly fishing rods are made of IM7 graphite with a special carbon fibre weave.
The action type of the fishing rod allows beginning anglers to master the basics of fly fishing in the easiest way; it ensures the smooth and aimed casting of the fly. All fishing rods of this series are equipped with a cork handle with a classic metal reel seat. The tulip and guides of the upper piece are made of high-quality stainless steel wire and have one fastening point; the two biggest guides of the lower piece have SIC inserts, which facilitates an increased casting distance and the durability of the line.
Each of three fishing rod models is made for a specific line class. These powerful fishing rods of sufficient length are intended for power casting heavy lures great distances from the shoreline. The design of these special fishing rods allows adequate coping with this task even with strong surf wind. The powerful three-piece fishing rod is made of lightweight glass fibre and intended for power casting heavy lures into the wind. The fishing rod is equipped with reinforced guides with SIC inserts; in doing so, the biggest ring is compactly folded when transporting.
The powerful telescopic fishing rod for angling in the sea is made of composite. The telescopic design of the fishing rod ensures an ease of transportation. The blank has reinforced guides with SIC inserts installed on high legs. The guides are protected with a special durable cover made of a foam material encased in nylon. These are ready to use tackles selected for the main kinds.
Those who purchase a ready set need only to go to a body of water and hook bait or to tie on their spoon bait of choice. The set of angling rod consists of a telescopic fishing rod and ready to use float tackle. Please do not forget to hook bait — it is not a part of the set.
This angling rod set consists of a powerful telescopic fishing rod and a TAIFUN reel, fold-out landing net and a stand under the fishing rod, packed in a plastic bag. The fishing rod is intended for angling big fish: pike with live-bait and carp or big trout in pond farms. A monofilament fishing line is wound on the reel spool.
The set is packed in a convenient plastic bag with a zip fastener. The compact set is suitable for angling grass pike, bass and other predatory fish of medium size. The multipurpose set is suitable for angling pike, bass and other predatory fish. The fishing rod is intended for angling big fish: carp, pike with live-bait and big trout in pond farms. It is made at a specialised factory in Japan. A soft, transparent fishing line with low a stretch coefficient that ensures its high sensitivity and necessary elasticity.
It is unreeled on spools of 30 m and m. The fishing line is for all-season use and is very resistant to UV radiation. The soft fishing line has faded aqua colour. It retains its positive properties all year round. Special processing has increased its resistance to UV radiation and long periods in water.
It is unreeled on spools of m. The fishing line is light-green for a camouflage effect. The colourless fishing line is absolutely invisible in water. Made in. It is of a light grey colour. The soft fishing line has a light green colour that camouflages it as algae. Diameter, mm 0.
High durability and softness are distinctive features of this fishing line series. The fishing line is dark green and in spools by m. High strength, a low stretch coefficient and softness are distinctive features of this fishing line series. The fishing line is resistant to UV radiation. Wide range of lenghts on the spools: 20, 91, , , and m.
Made in Japan. Braided line is recommended to use in cases when needed line strength for normal monofilament lines is not enough. Their bodies are produced only from balsa. The high execution level of all float components and the entire product: high-quality surface Floats are supplied in piece blister packages. High-quality exterior finish ensures the long life of the floats. Floats are supplied in piece polybag packages.
Black silicone stopper. A set contains 10 pieces. Silicone Stopper Silicone stoppers of various colours. Every stopper size is intended for a certain fishing rod diameter. To put the stopper on a fishing line, the fishing line should be inserted in the wire eyelet and the stopper should be moved on it.
A set contains 30 pieces. It is not customary to be thrifty regarding such small things. In order to avoid losing. All of them are represented in this section. The set contains leaders in three sizes, with 10 pieces in each size. Each size has its own breaking load. High-quality leaders made of an extra-strong modern material — titanium wire.
The non-corrodible leaders have a dark black oxide outer coating. They are recommended for spin fishing and trolling fishing. All leaders are equipped with swivels and snaps made in Japan. They consist of 49 inter-braided steel micro wires.
These leaders are very soft and elastic — they are no more rigid than monofilament fishing line of the same diameter. The leaders are equipped with high-quality Japanese swivels and snaps that are fastened with crimping tubes. The selection of fasteners has been performed in accordance with the breaking load on the leader material.
Depending on the current, the distance of casting and other factors, it is easy to select the necessary feeder from the range below. It is equipped with an additional plummet. It is intended for fishing in stagnant water and water bodies with a slow current. Package contains 6 pieces. A twisted steel feeder. It is equipped with an additional ring for tying on the leader.
It is intended for fishing in stagnant water. A half-round steel feeder. It is intended for fishing in stagnant water and water bodies with current. A round steel net-shaped feeder. The net-shaped material of the feeder allows the bait to be better washed away with water. It is equipped with an basket holder and an additional ring for tying on the leader.
These are straight and net basket holders with latch hooks fastened onto them. A feeder or plummet can be fastened to the latch hook. The anti-twister prevents tackle with hooks from twisting around the main fishing line. There is a wide choice of these audible indicators in the range; they are attached directly on the fishing line or fastened to the fishing rod tip. Bells, little bells — all of these audible indicators emit an audio signal if an angler is not visually paying attention to his line.
Many anglers specially install these indicators. Rod binders are necessary for securely transporting fishing rods. It allows several fishing rods to be joined together before putting them in a case. Fishing Line Counter A small counter will tell you the length of released fishing line when trolling. The counter is fixed on the fishing rod. The special structure of its working body will allow you to easily clean even the roughest scaled fish, such as perch. Guides SALMO Almost all modern spinning rods and float fishing rods are equipped with guides and rod tops with wear-resistant frames.
Despite the fact that manufacturers are constantly improving the characteristics of rings, they still can be damaged due to the negligence of some anglers. Every angler knows that the damage of this small detail renders the rod. It has a ceramic fitting and is used only with monofile lines. The fitting is made of silicon carbide SIC with a titanium nitride coating and is used with monofile fishing lines and braided cords. RING No. Fishing Rod Holders Rod holders are used to secure rods during the fishing process.
A mount is not included in the holder set. Telescopic rod mounts are needed to hold the rod when angling. Support for fitting of three carp rods. Made of aluminium, for transportation can be placed in a special case. Extractors Extractors-forceps let you easily pick and remove hooks from the mouth of a predatory fish.
Special Extractor Extractor in the form of fishing scissors. Supports for fitting three carp rods. Made of metal. Packed in a special cover for transportation. Clippers are necessary for cutting excess fishing line remaining after attaching bait. A retriever is used to avoid lose such a small thing in the water when fishing. To avoid injuries from the sharp teeth of a pike when removing a hook from its mouth, you need to hold its jaw open. Mouth spreaders will do this for you. Each part can withstand up to 48 kg.
Equipped with weight scales up to 20 kg and a 1 m tape-line. Handy collapsible landing net with a triangular net shape and telescopic handle. Mesh 0. A clamp for fastening to the belt. Two-piece collapsible square landing net with telescopic handle. Equipped with a clamp for fastening to the belt. Lengthy collapsible landing net with a triangular net shape, telescopic handle and a clamp for fastening it to the belt. Collapsible triangular landing net with telescopic handle.
Mesh 1. Landing Net for Wade Fishing Landing net with short handle. Small size suitable for wade fishing. Collapsible landing net, handle folds inside. Round landing net, clamp for fastening it to the belt. We advise you to use long cages with mounts. Simple, average-length fabric keepnets. Cages are installed in the water by hanging them at the inlet by a cord. Equipped with tilting device for setting the necessary inlet slope.
Mount for setting the keepnet on shore is not included in the set. Spacious, fabric keepnets with a portable mount to install them on shore. The bottom of the cage is equipped with a lock for easy removal of fish. The inlet is equipped with a protective lid that automatically closes by a spring.
The keepnet WBF has an upper protective lid — a floater that helps the cage stay afloat. All boxes are resistant to silicon, oil and most solvents. With carrying handle. Various fishing cases will let you always have your gear at hand, to store it securely, easily find what. Cases for storing live baits are also available. With shoulder strap. With removable partitions. Plastic Fishing Case A medium-sized one-sided case with divisions for storing small fishing tackle. Each swing division is protected by a transparent cover.
Eachswing division is protected by a transparent cover. Secure lock, ventilation holes. Double-swing hook box with divisions in each part. Hook Box with Magnetic Cells Double-sided box with many cells for storing hooks. Hooks can be easily taken out with a special stick included in the set.
A bag for storing lures. A compact bag for your bait. Many pockets: two large side pockets, two front pockets and several small pockets for various tackle. Special bag for storing and transporting waders. Size: 48 x 28 x 30 cm. Size: 53 x 30 x 66 cm. Wader backpack. Fishing backpack. Made of modern materials, these products will help you keep your favourite tackle and lures for many years.
Rod case. Length: cm. Rod tube Intended for the storage and secure transportation of fishing rods. A case for the storage and transportation of reels. Light clothing for warm and sunny weather — a T-shirt with a modern camouflage colour.
Material: polyester. With waders, you can fish almost anywhere — near the edge of water plants and in clear water. Material: neoprene and rubber. Glasses case will protect your glasses fromscratches, dust and damage.
There are two barbs on the tip. Fish often catch themselves on the curve. Colour: BZ. Colour: NSB. The hooks are ideal for such lures as various cereals and corns. Colour: BL. Hook series with wire protection. Colour: N. Thanks to two additional barbs on the tip, the hooks perfectly hold any type of bait.
Colour: R. Classic form hooks with a straight, folded edge tip. The hooks are packed by the three-in-one principle. Colour: MIX.
Specialized hooks can be used in rigs. Circle of curvature of the hook shape with straight stem and a wide opening. Hook spike directed inwards, but eyelet outwards. Hook spike and eyelet directed inwards. The most high-quality materials and modern technological preproduction are used to manufacture the hooks.
All these facts guarantee the stable and high quality of the hooks. Even a small hook will. Colour: N The highest quality of wire allows these reliable hooks to be made rather thinly and so they are barely visible. Colour: B. This hook series with a forged hand-line is characterised above all by its great strength. All the products of this system have one thing in common — carp!
Carp Galaxy attracts thousands and thousands of admirers to this majestic type of fishing. The nature of these components is thoroughly mastered.
The attraction of the galaxy is infinite. Every true carp fisher is a professional with an astronomic desire to find harmony and correct links between the stars in the Carp Galaxy.
It is available to everybody and makes carp the centre of fishing attention. Precisely this is real carp fishing. A specialised reel intended for carp angling on ground tackles. A durable carbon-plastic case, precise micro-adjustment of the front friction brake, durable handle with convenient grip and the general reliability of the entire mechanism place this reel among tackles intended for anglers who place the reliability of tackle as the top priority.
Fittings are equipped with hooks and are linked on braid with a test weight of 25 lbs. Portable landing net made of two parts and with a triangular net. Has volume and audio signal tone adjustment. Bag for bait. Specifications and materials: No. Thanks to height-adjustable legs, the table can be set in a horizontal position ashore of a reservoir.
Weight: 1. The use of one reinforcement strip inside and two reinforcement strips outside the boat provides a connection that guarantees durability and a completely airtight pontoon. This bow guarantees maximal stability and the best manoeuvring performance of the boats. The tips of the tubes have a special form to achieve a better hull angle when moving and more rapidly achieve a state of hydro planing. This boat has 4 separate tubes. It guarantees buoyancy even in the event compartments are ruptured.
A comfortable boat ideal for family water trips or for a group up to eight people. This boat. The durable transom made of special marine plywood allows the boat to be equipped with a powerful engine.
The set includes two folded oars, a pump and a repair kit. The boat comes in two colours: grey-blue and green. This boat has four separate tubes. This boat has two wide seats, a handrail, folded oars, and a pump. The construction of boat ensures good manoeuvrability and permits the use of powerful outboard engines.
This boat has two wide seats, a handrail, folded oars, a pump and a repair kit. The set includes a light and durable. All the boats have a hard transom for engine mounting. Boat colour — dark grey. Bottom type — rigid covering. Comes with the hinged transom for 4 hp motor. Folding aluminium oars. Two hard seats. Carrying bag. Repair kit. The boat is produced by welded seams technology. This engine can rotate around its axis, ensuring the high manoeuvrability of the boat.
Modern decisions in the further development of environmentally safe outboard motors. The motor models and run on 12 V accumulators; the runs on two 12 V accumulators. Waterproof Pockets This waterproof bag is fastened under the seats of boats and is intended as a compact storage compartment.
Repair kit for boat. Includes all the necessary components for repairing of not serious ruptures of bulbs. A great choice of clothing for any kind of weather and situation. Despite the fact that these comfortable and functional clothes were initially intended for anglers, they were. Clothing produced under the NORFIN trademark are made of highquality modern materials and implement the latest technologies. Moreover, it will keep you warm and dry.
When fishing, you have to either move or sit; your clothes must be universal. Our clothing consists of many layers, each having different functions. Always chose your clothing in accordance with your activity level, so your clothes can ensure maximum dryness and comfort.
We want nothing to divert your attention from fishing. Basic layer — draws moisture away from the body. Warming layer — ensures warmth and insulation without hindering your movements.
Protective layer — protects you from wind and the effects of weather conditions. In comparison to the majority of materials used to manufacture outwear, this modern multiple-layer fabric has improved breathability. Specially designed fibres not only retain body warmth, but also draw moisture to the outside. Your clothing breath, which makes them extremely comfortable and pleasant to wear.
The fabric wicks moisture off the body and prevents sweating, at the same time retaining all thermal insulating qualities of the fabric.
The moisture is drawn out through the upper layers of fabric. HOOD Convert roll — sleeves and lower part of pants can be rolled up and fixed. Cotton is also highly durable. It absorbs moisture perfectly, which can be very useful for a hot midday when you can refresh yourself by wetting your clothing with fresh water. This kind of material works as a valve — you can appreciate its advantages at once and in any weather conditions, both in winter and summer.
You will not freeze in cold weather due to sweating after intensive physical exercises. The moisture quickly evaporates from the surface of material, thus refreshing the body and improving comfort. Inner material with a special polyester cover helps retain heat and is very comfortable to wear. The suit can be easily cleaned by just washing it with water. Made of light and strong material, comfortable, allows free movement when casting a lure. These fabrics wick moisture from the body, keeping you warm and dry without added weight.
A two-tiered fabric construction: the durable, smooth outer layer is wind- and abrasion resistant; the soft inner layer wicks moisture away from your skin to keep you dry, warm and comfortable. Recommended for outdoor activities and daily wear. The areas affected by increased loads are strengthened with durable nylon plates. The sleeves can be removed and the jacket can be used as a vest.
The jacket can be used as an additional insulating layer in winter, as well as on its own in cool weather. Jacket with high collar and zipper, two side pockets for hand warming, lower drawstring with to adjust jacket size to provide additional protection from wind and cold. Pants with elastic waistband and two zippered pockets. Ideal for outdoor recreation. Comfortable cut and relaxed fit of the suit makes it functional as outerwear and as insulating layer in severe cold.
You will feel equally comfortable in cold, windy or warm weather. The jacket is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts — tourists, hunters and anglers. Also recommended for daily wear. A jacket perfectly suits outdoor enthusiasts — tourists, hunters and anglers. Warm, light and comfortable. When worn under any fishing clothing, will provide the suit with additional protection from cold and increased comfort in severe and cold weather. It can be also used on its own, e. The jacket can be used as outerwear in dry weather and as an additional insulated layer in cold weather.
Soft fabrics, comfortable for the skin, with high quality specifications, wick moisture from skin and retain warmth, ensuring inner comfort even during intense physical activity. It is recommended to wear thermal underwear when engaging in low physical activity and over thinner thermal underwear with intense physical activity.
Used only over slim thermal underwear. After intensive work or extended activity, moisture is wicked away by the outerwear membrane in minutes. The skin stays dry and will not freeze in the cold. Never wear thermal underwear over cotton, as cotton absorbs moisture and remains wet. Available in two colours. The underwear is cut in such a way to complete freedom of movement — it is maximally elastic in all the necessary areas.
The underwear is cut in such a way so that it ensures freedom of movement — it is maximally elastic in all necessary areas. Insertions serve for protection against the cold as well as for additional comfort. Can be used for daily wear in cool weather. Durable multi-functional jacket for fishing or recreation, as well as for daily wear. One of the best short-sleeved shirts for fishing in hot summer days.
Multifunctional pants suitable for fishing and daily wear. A combination of materials ensures maximum warmth. Soft polyester inside and acrylic outside will create extremely comfortable conditions for your feet. Wool gives additional warmth. The benefits of the sock material will be highly appreciated. The benefits of the sock material will be highly appreciated by anglers. The socks are made of high quality acrylic that wick moisture away from the feet and keep them warm.
Elastic socks fit snugly at the sole and ankle of the foot and are comfortable and pleasant to wear. Thanks to elastic spandex material, the socks fit snugly and securely sit on the foot during long walks.
Integrated acrylic makes them soft, comfortable to wear and wicks moisture away from the foot. The socks that will always keep your feet warm and dry. First of all, our safety is our own responsibility, and we have to take care of it first and foremost, before sailing heading out to sail.
Colour: blue. Colour: red. These boats are designed for use in the waters of reservoirs, lakes or rivers, with wind intensities of up to 4 knots and wave height up to 0. There are special clamps in the boat to fasten the outboard motor to the transom. It is an ideal boat for recreation and fishing for one or two persons.
The boat has all the necessary mounting elements for the transom. Pumping up boats by guess-work can damage your boat. If that happens, you will have to make expensive repair works.
PUMP Universal two-way hand pump. Also works as an airextraction. These concepts are related when speaking about trips that will cover a lot of rivers, lakes and seas. The range also includes shelters — assembly tents and mobile general-purpose umbrellas.
The offered model ranges have been selected for wide application. Varying weather conditions, terrain features and transportation conditions — all of these have been taken into account when elaborating the products of this group.
The main quality characteristics of the presented range are: convenience and comfort; usability and reliability; the modernity of constructions and materials; universal and popular designs; mobility, lightness and functionality.
All the nuances used in constructions and materials are justified by the use of the products in every season. This provides the modern design of every type of tent.
The range of models is being Entrance with additional canopy. Model No. Tent type No. All-purpose umbrella: 2 in 1. It can be used as an ordinary umbrella or as fixed umbrella for protection from rain. Of course, it is possible to set up a table by spreading a blanket on the grass, but. In order to rest in comfort outdoors, we offer you light folding tables and table and chair sets.
The furniture is durable, comfortable, light and compact for transportation. This carrying case is used to transport the folding tables. The tabletop consists of aluminium plates.
Folding aluminium table. The table is transported in a canvas cover. Light, large folding table. The table folds into four pieces and can be stored in a carrying case. The plastic top of the table can be easily cleaned. Mesh and additional pockets are very convenient for storage. Everything can be put inside the table for transportation. Specifications and materials: Table coating — plastic Chairs coating – polyester Aluminium pipes, dia.
Folding plastic table with two folding aluminium chairs. The chairs can be folded and removed inside the table which is forms a bag when folded. Plastic surface of the table can be easily cleaned and washed.
Moreover, many types of fishing involve long hours of waiting for a large fish to bite. You can also just take a snooze in the warm sun while the fish are not biting. Folding chair with a small table and rod holder.
Durable folding high-backed armchair. Armrest pocket for storing a water bottle or a glass. Stocked with carrying bag. Durable folding armchair with back.
Folding armchair with armrests and four fixed back positions is equipped with special straps allowing it to be carried as a backpack in assembled condition.
Made of modern,. Frames are constructed from thin coloured metal pipes; durable nylon fabric is also used. Backpack chair with a back. The spacious backpack has patch pockets, one of them with a zipper closure and two other pockets with special fasteners. Backpack chair with pockets. Its distinctive feature — spaciousness. Three spacious patch pockets closed with special fasteners. Backpack chair with improved construction. Highly durable frame made of pipes with a diameter larger than that of usual chairs.
Has adjustable straps with relief patches and lumbar support. The spacious backpack has many pockets closed by zippers. The backpack has two special partitions for a thermos. The model range is intended for camping and trekking. It is one of the most durable synthetic polymeric materials. It is a light and thin material with high abrasion resistance. Products made of this material have a very long, useful life.
The material is resistant to UV radiation, tear-proof, does not stretch even in heavy humidity, retains its shape and does not absorb water. A firm synthetic material made of polyamide fibre. It is a tear-proof material. The main quality characteristics of the HOLIDAY sleeping bags are: comfort, usability, modern materials and applied fit; standard and popular design; transportability and functionality.
All of the constructions of sleeping bags and materials have been tested in different seasons. This ensures the popularity and modernity of each model. High thermal conductivity allows products made of this material to retain their freshness for a long time. It ideally absorbs moisture. Cotton material is easy to wash. It is considered the best material for bed linen.
The material possesses high breathability and does not absorb moisture. It retains heat even when it is dry. A light synthetic insulant that quickly restores its shape after being compressed. Goods made of this material have a very long, useful life. Cotton is a natural material with great anti-allergenic. This popularity can be explained by their compact size and simple use.
Close the valve and your mattress is ready for use. The waterproof lining of the picnic blanket provides you with comfort even when sitting on wet grass.
Some kits not only include bags, but also a set of tableware and other cutlery useful for fishing. Size: 68 x 36 x 34 cm. Size: 52 x 30 x 31 cm. Size: 63 x 34 x 31 cm. Size: 42 x 30 x 25 cm. And it should definitely be all-metal, since thermoses made of glass are too fragile and non-durable. You can keep hot tea and coffee. You can even keep meals in thermoses with wide enough necks.
When it is too hot out — you always have fresh water at hand. The inner part of the cup is made of food grade plastic. Hot contents of the cup do not heat the external wall and retains heat for longer.
A compact, folding tool for cutting excess fishing line after tying fishing knots. The tool has a plastic body with a ring to fasten it to a retriever. Cutlery set: made of stainless steel and with plastic handle. Set for storage and transporting can be folded into a soft protective cover with loops for a strap.
The ruler has graduations from 1 to 20 cm marked on the handle. The tool is folded in a cover with loops for a strap. Pocket Knife with a Set of Tools knife, bottle and can opener, phillips and slotted screwdrivers, cork-screw, saw, tweezers, scissors.
Folded travel knife with a set of cutlery: fork and spoon, bottle and can opener, cork-screw and awl. Cutlery set: spoon, knife and fork made of stainless steel; can be compactly folded in one unit; made with protective plastic coating. A fisherman and tourist should always have a folding shovel in his car. Completely charged battery can work continuously for 8 hours. The set also includes: adapter with charger, cord for charging via the cigarette lighter of a car and a remote control unit.
When the battery is charging, the red light is on. When charging is completed, light turns green. The battery takes hours to completely charge. You can only sleep in a tent without a lantern at night. Our lanterns will help fishermen eliminate these problems. This device is also helpful in getting your bearings, and.
Fishing in such places is simply amazing! A compass takes up so little space in your pocket, but is sometimes such a big help! A compass in a metallic case. The compass is easy to use and to carry. Any model will help you in gloomy weather and if you have to stay on a reservoir in a boat longer than planned. Mosquito Net Hat Protective set is to be placed over a baseball cap.
This group consisting of snaps, swivels with snaps, swivels and rings is manufactured at a specialised plant. This ensures all of these products correspond to the fishing parameters indicated on the packing. Not a single fishing tackle can do without these important little things. In fact, in an overwhelming majority of cases, fishing without these small pieces is simply impossible!
With their help, it is possible to prevent your fishing line from twisting or getting tangled. They also make it possible to tie a mobile retractable leash.
This page contains information about a range of leaders: equipped and non-equipped leaders and snood material for tackle self-made at the discretion of every fisherman. These leaders are especially designed for fishing with jerk baits. The leaders are equipped with a swivel and snap. Test — 45 kg. Leaders with 7×7 braids, are made of alloy steel and consist of 49 braided steel microwires. These leaders are very soft and elastic — no harder than ordinary monofilament fishing line of the same diameter.
The leaders are resistant against any deformations and do not loose their properties, even in the mouth of a large predatory fish. Soft steel braiding consisting of seven wires is covered by a specially treated synthetic thread. This set consists of three leaders with a test of 5 and 12 kg. Non-equipped steel leaders with ready loops at the edges. Leaders intended for fishermen to equip tackles at their own discretion and with consideration of all the fishing circumstances.
At that time, the company was led by world-renown spinner Janis Stikuts. As time moved on, the demand for rotating spinners grew year to year, making it hard for the company to manage such volumes. Part of the production process was placed outside the company to provide a greater output of these lures and preserve their low cost.
The blades of the spinners are now made only from high-quality special brand brass. It was also decided to go back to the primary form of brass mandrel, which appeared to be most successful. A high-quality, springy stainless wire is now used to mount the entire lure, but the ready spinners are completed with high-quality hooks produced by VMC.
The technological process of production was also expanded — now, every blade additionally passes a careful manual polish, which takes quite a long period of time in the production of spinners.
Presently, even such small things as bearings or reflectors go through repeated quality control at all stages of production. The packing of the ready products was also improved – every lure is now packed in a colourful blister package.
This range also has several models with double spinner blades — so-called tandems. These spinners allow the attractive area of a reservoir to be quickly fished out and work well both in standing water and in places with heavy current. The MA model is the favourite lure of many fishermen.
Due to large frontal resistance, these rotating spinners are mainly used in reservoirs without a current or where the current is substantial.
Models with doubled blades have always been considered among the best lures for pike angling in shallow water of most reservoirs.
And as they are perfect, they are also the best. Large, sinking weedless Spoon-bait. The protection of the hook will let you fish in most areas with rotten underwater wood or areas with reeds and full of water-lilies. The hand line on these hooks has a specially calculated angle in relation to the body of the lure, considerably increasing lure efficiency. When biting is rather bad, it is recommended to put a small twister on the hook of the spoon-bait.
It is possible to choose a lure for pike or perch angling in weedy reservoirs, where angling with other lures is impossible. All the spoonbaits are equipped with high-quality VMC hooks.
Spoon-baits are classics among these efficient lures. There are often such days, especially late in autumn, when it is possible to fish only with spoon-baits. It is s true classic among Spoon-baits. This spoon-bait has a lot of advantages, including stable play in reservoirs with and without current, a long casting distance and versatility. The lure is intended for medium and large predatory fish.
Spoon-baits for fishing in rivers with a current and in lakes. The medium shaped spoon-bait is intended for angling predatory fish. A heavy enough spoon-bait lets you to not only with distance casting, but also to fish in the bottom layers of a reservoir. A bend in the tail part of this spoon-bait guarantees stable play of it, even during slow trolling.
Every amateur fisherman will find everything he needs to broaden his arsenal. All spoon-baits are made of brass and carefully hand-polished.
The final galvanic coating. Universal compact spoon-bait intended for fishing where distance casting of the lure is required. This spoon-bait is also used for angling in the bottom layers of a reservoir where step trolling is used, as well as for pilker fishing. This spoon-bait is intended for most predatory fish angling in large rivers and reservoirs. Here are the 10 things that make SFG different from traditional row gardening: Layout.
Arrange your garden in squares, not rows. Companion plants can help each other grow bigger and tastier! Build boxes to hold a new soil mix above ground. Your existing soil doesn’t matter! It makes it easier to walk and sit around the boxes, especially when your plants get really big and spill out of the boxes a little. Make a permanent square foot grid for the top of each box. A MUST! This is how the soil stays so fluffy and airy for the roots stay happy.
Tend your garden from the aisles. Plant a different flower, vegetable, or herb crop in each square foot, using 1, 4, 9, or 16 plants per square foot. Using this system, you can cram a lot of garden into a small space and still get excellent yields. Conserve seeds. Plant only a pinch 2 or 3 seeds per hole. Place transplants in a slight saucer-shaped depression.
This means you wont waste seeds! The traditional way is to plant lots of seeds then cut off the majority and leave the strongest. Water by hand from a bucket of sun-warmed water. When you finish harvesting a square foot, add only compost and replant it with a new and different crop. Here’s how Im starting my square foot garden : I decided how big of an area I want to use, I am placing my SFG on the roof of my house, which I made sure received at least 8 hours of full sun.
I am going big and starting with lots of boxes. So after thorough planning I decided I want two 4×4 square foot boxes which is the standard two smaller boxes for root vegetables like carrots and potatoes, and one long box for herbs. You can download the guide I created for the carpenters here. Its not the most accurate illustration of what the boxes look like in the end, but the numbers are right.
Also Most vegetables require 6 inches of soil, I’ve decided to use around 20cm. In my case, I have to apply bottoms since they’re going to be in the roof.